Friday, 26 February 2016


By Stella Lelmet

The slow smooth ride into the gates of Moi University would make you think that you are entering the proverbial paradise. Quite literally. The tall leafy trees adjourning the gate are a sight to behold and the well trimmed flower fences are expertly chopped and shaped to give the impression of a plaque. Trees of different shapes and sizes direct you to the ever-great cream-painted building housing the administration.

But beauty is skin-deep, right? Let not the trees fool you. Yes, they are gorgeous and all but that is besides the point. The beauty nature graciously blesses our beloved university is mere pretense. A shallow one for that matter. You know the beauty of a woman through her heart. Not through her inner thighs. And Moi University is always the arrogant, pretentious lady who celebrates and marvels at showcasing her inner thighs. Not her ugly heart that stinks and reeks of whatnot.

The trash and garbage dotting the Moi University Main Campus is one hell of a Dandora-type garbage disposal pit. Is it that no workers are employed to do this? No, we have lots of garden cleaners, who unfortunately only get their old rickety legs in the compound come end month. How do i know this, you ask? I have no affidavit to support my sentiments but evidence is there for all who care to see. Trash. Rubbish. Everywhere.

The hostels are dungeons of the stinking devils themselves. You need only be at a spitting distance to brave the strong foul stench emanating from  the hostels. How do people even live in there? Weeks and weeks of rubbish are left uncollected as the heap tremendously rises. Let us even not talk about the washrooms. I`ll probably need another blog.

Water shortages and inadequate power supply are other alarming factors that need immediate response lest the university should be closed down. Due to the university's poor condition student's demonstrate from time to time. Worse still, no action has ever been taken by the school management. Student leaders are also lazing around. They are nowhere to be found to fight for the welfare of fellow comrades.

Current condition at D houses. 
Dirt littering everywhere.



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